
North Korea Begins Psychological Operations

Kim Jong-il is preparing to strike Japan, but he wouldn't really do that:
Other reports from the US and South Korea indicate that Pyongyang is assembling an intercontinental ballistic missile at a launch site on its east coast. The suggestion is that the Taepodong-2 missile – which could strike a target anywhere in Japan – could be fired before the end of the month and is a show of force to the incoming administration of President Barack Obama.

They will never shot the missile. It's a mind game. Every politician need "mind game" skill to achieve their goals.

North Korea has less money, less food, less military forces. They have trump cards for negotiations---missiles, nukes, abducted Japanese. They will draw our financial and food supports.

The only way of their survival is an international mind game. We need tough negotiations.

See the follow up of this.

1 件のコメント:

  1. 「>:『 オレサマの国は一番良いだゾ〜!」はtough negotiationsんですか。w
