
Japan Supports Asia Trade

Japanese government easily spend a lot of money for foreign contries without appealing Japan's international presence. How is "return on investment" counted?
Under the scheme, Japan will lend a combined $1 billion mainly to banks in Asian developing countries to make it easier for them to back import and export settlements.

Tokyo hopes the measure will support trade in Asia, which has taken a beating as weakening global demand hit many of the region's export-reliant economies.

Fears of a rising risk of protectionism was among the focus of debate at the two-day meeting of finance ministers and central bankers from the G7 industrial powers plus Russia in Rome.

I'm frustrated with Aso administration. If they spend Japanese money for foreign countries, Japan needs some return. That's not just interest of loan, but also appreciation and good impression of foreign people. Friendly relationships enable free trade. That's not a matter of pride, but practical economic interests.

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